18:35:58 From Rick Rupp : What happened to the screen share- not readable 18:36:28 From Rick Rupp : Now Ok! 18:36:46 From JCL Meetings : good 18:36:59 From Rick Rupp : Now can’t read again 18:40:51 From Elaine Nelson : I can’t hear audio presentation. 18:41:13 From JCL Meetings : what is your audio setting when you joined 18:41:31 From JCL Meetings : We are hearing audio so likely your device 18:42:12 From Rick Rupp : shared files are off and on fuzzy and not full screen 18:42:41 From JCL Meetings : yes not sure if it is connectivity issue from Gary will find out next presenter. 18:46:46 From Local : If storage caught up with production would that change any of your premise 19:05:47 From cbarcus : 700 bar = 10,000 psi 19:09:19 From cbarcus : Hydrogen storage breakthrough from the Royal Society of Chemistry: https://www.greencarcongress.com/2019/05/20190520-kmh1.html 19:10:07 From cbarcus : https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/ee/c8ee02499e 19:10:09 From Kathleen Waldron : There have been 2 major fires on Marrowstone caused by lithium batteries! Can you talk more about how these can be prevented? Thanks! 19:10:46 From cbarcus : solid state batteries will replace the electrolyte…safer from fires... 19:11:43 From cbarcus : solid state battery breakthrough: https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2021/05/researchers-design-long-lasting-solid-state-lithium-battery/ 19:18:49 From cbarcus : Lithium mining can be controversial: https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/17/politics/lithium-mining-energy-climate/index.html 19:23:45 From Local : Ambri signed their first commercial contract last year 19:26:12 From cbarcus : Much less storage required for a high-nuclear scenario…molten salt storage can be tightly coupled to generation to improve load following response. 19:26:27 From Krestine Reed : Bill Gates’ TerraPower aims to build its first advanced nuclear reactor in a coal town in Wyoming Supported by DOE. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/17/bill-gates-terrapower-builds-its-first-nuclear-reactor-in-a-coal-town.html 19:27:31 From Doug Rodgers : Even with a lot of nuclear power, battery storage would be very helpful in balancing the grid. 19:37:36 From Judith Rudolph : While I can understand the points made on behalf of using nuclear, I still remember Whoops! (WPPSS). What has changed, and is anyone considering a nuclear plant in Western Washington - earthquake and volcano hotspot? 19:37:44 From Jim Rough : It seems to me that renewables would work a whole lot better if the whole world were interlinked. Is that option being seriously considered? I’m imagining a lot of resistance to any kind of global linking. 19:41:26 From cbarcus : Idaho National Laboratory: https://inl.gov/trending-topic/microreactors/ 19:44:28 From cbarcus : Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis do not have to be a problem for nuclear…2nd gen plants (Fukushima) required extensive protection from the sea which proved grossly inadequate…Onagawa was a very different story…advanced nuclear will include far better protection during catastrophic events. 19:47:28 From cbarcus : High-renewable scenarios favor massive high throughput intercontinental interconnections which are pretty terrible in terms of economics. They can also increase political and economic friction. Germany 19:49:47 From cbarcus : Germany’s high-renewable scenario has created a massive strategic weakness. Their dependence upon Russian natural gas has undermined their opposition to Russia’s aggression, which poses an existential threat to democracy. 20:01:41 From cbarcus : https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/environment/this-next-generation-nuclear-power-plant-is-pitched-for-washington-state-can-it-change-the-world/ (X-Energy) 20:04:17 From cbarcus : So many questions… 20:06:12 From cbarcus : Investment strategy will be about building out the value chain…for instance, what is required to deploy tens of millions of electric powertrains per year…lots of expert knowledge involved 20:08:08 From cbarcus : Cryptocurrencies are an incredibly stupid investment…basically fraud…many countries have outlawed it. 20:09:34 From cbarcus : Biomass is a deadens. Not scalable…lots of environmental damage. 20:09:40 From cbarcus : deadend 20:10:05 From Mark Cooper : Great video about what wasn’t correct in Planet of the Humanans - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmNjLHRAP2U 20:11:05 From cbarcus : Yes, we must remove fossil sources from our supply chains. The climate has feedbacks…very difficult to stop. 20:11:29 From Krestine Reed to JCL Meetings(Direct Message) : Yes, you are right 20:12:50 From cbarcus : We can use carbon-neutral fuels to drive investment into carbon capture…which will also produce a carbon-neutral feedstock. Carbon-free energy carriers like hydrogen are preferred though. 20:13:26 From Mark Cooper : dead trees and carbon release - https://www.ilovemycarbondioxide.com/do-dead-trees-release-co2/ 20:13:58 From Judith Rudolph : I’ve started calling my gigantic compost pile my carbon capture pile, as it doesn’t seem to be composting. 20:14:01 From cbarcus : an idea: 300 MW at Port Angeles…maybe a ship? Connect a refinery and a transformer set… 20:14:41 From Judith Rudolph : Are the melting glaciers going to affect our hydropower at some point? 20:15:27 From cbarcus : Global warming is intensifying the planet’s water cycle. Wet regions get wetter, dry places drier… 20:15:35 From cbarcus : waste of energy 20:16:00 From cbarcus : Bitcoin mining…see Kazakhstan. 20:16:39 From Jim Rough : Here’s the link to the free movie 20:16:46 From cbarcus : International agreement between China and US for a carbon tax when ready to gradually phase in. 20:16:51 From Jim Rough : Planet of the Humans … https://planetofthehumans.com 20:17:57 From cbarcus : Crypto-scam. PNAS analysis of cryptocurrencies: https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/115/6/1131.full.pdf 20:20:47 From cbarcus : LOL 20:24:19 From Jim Rough : See https://www.wisedemocracy.org/solving-climate-change.html 20:24:52 From Steven Blake : Jim Rough, thank you for that link. 20:26:34 From Jim Rough : Markus Goetsch will be in Port Townsend in February. He is on the national committee of Austria, experimenting with the Wisdom Council Process on the issue of climate change. Maybe e he can talk to this group? 20:28:59 From cbarcus : Great presentations all!